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< dc:relation lang =" es " > En: Cuadernos de pensamiento naval. - [Madrid] : Ministerio de Defensa, Secretaría General Técnica, 2001 = ISSN 1697-2333. - 01/07/2009 Número 10 - Semestre 01/07/2009 Año 2009 , N. 10 (nov. 2009), p. 5-14 </ dc:relation >
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< dc:title lang =" es " > De la piratería moderna y el empleo de la fuerza (pensamientos en voz alta) </ dc:title >
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< skos:prefLabel lang =" es " > González, Marcelino, 1943- </ skos:prefLabel >
< skos:altLabel > González Fernández, Marcelino, 1943- </ skos:altLabel >
< skos:note lang =" es " > Navío Santísima Trinidad, un coloso de su tiempo, 2004. - portada (Marcelino González) </ skos:note >
< skos:note lang =" es " > El combate del Callao y sus protagonistas, 2018. - portada (Marcelino González) solapa (Marcelino González Fernández; nació en el año 1943, en Narón (La Coruña); estudió para oficial del Cuerpo General de la Armada en la Escuela Naval Militar) </ skos:note >
< skos:note lang =" es " > La nao Victoria, y su vuelta al mundo, 2019. - portada (Marcelino González), solapa (capitán de navío de la Armada, subdirector del Museo Naval de Madrid, vicepresidente de la Real Liga Naval Española, académico de número de la Real Academia de la Mar; escribe sobre temas navales, arte, filatelia y actualidad) </ skos:note >
< skos:note lang =" es " > Llamada telefónica a la ed. La Espada y la Pluma, 15-4-2005. - Marcelino González Fernández; n. el 30-3-1943 </ skos:note >
< edm:begin > 1943 </ edm:begin >
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< skos:prefLabel lang =" es " > Piratería </ skos:prefLabel >
< skos:note lang =" es " > LCSH. - (Piracy) </ skos:note >
< skos:note lang =" es " > RAMEAU. - (Piraterie maritime) </ skos:note >
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< skos:prefLabel lang =" es " > Somalia </ skos:prefLabel >
< skos:note lang =" es " > Resumen extraído de Wikipedia en español: "Somalia o Somalía (en somalí: Soomaaliya; en árabe: , As-Sml), formalmente conocida como República Federal de Somalia, es un país ubicado en el llamado Cuerno de África, al este del continente africano. Al oeste y noroeste limita con Etiopía y Yibuti, al sur con Kenia, al norte con el golfo de Adén, y al este con el océano Índico. Tras una larga guerra civil, el país se dividió en pequeños estados independientes, sin un poder que lo gobierne en su totalidad. En el año 2004 diferentes facciones llegaron a un acuerdo para conformar un gobierno de transición, unificando el país. Finalmente en el año 2012 se aprobó una nueva Constitución provisional que regirá para todo el país unificado. Es considerado un Estado fallido por diversos medios de comunicación. Su ciudad capital y más poblada es Mogadiscio." </ skos:note >
< skos:note lang =" es " > Abstract from English Wikipedia: "Somalia (/smli, so-, -lj/ so-MAH-lee-; Somali: Soomaaliya; Arabic: a-ml), officially the Federal Republic of Somalia (Somali: Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya, Arabic: Jumhryat a-ml al-Fidirlyah), is a country located in the Horn of Africa. It is bordered by Ethiopia to the west, Djibouti to the northwest, the Gulf of Aden to the north, the Indian Ocean to the east, and Kenya to the southwest. Somalia has the longest coastline on Africa's mainland, and its terrain consists mainly of plateaus, plains and highlands. Climatically, hot conditions prevail year-round, with periodic monsoon winds and irregular rainfall. Somalia has a population of around 10.8 million. Around 85% of its residents are ethnic Somalis, who have historically inhabited the northern part of the country. Ethnic minorities are largely concentrated in the southern regions. The official languages of Somalia are Somali and Arabic, both of which belong to the Afroasiatic family. Most people in the country are Muslim, with the majority being Sunni. In antiquity, Somalia was an important commercial centre. It is among the most probable locations of the fabled ancient Land of Punt. During the Middle Ages, several powerful Somali empires dominated the regional trade, including the Ajuran Empire, the Adal Sultanate, the Warsangali Sultanate, and the Geledi Sultanate. In the late 19th century, through a succession of treaties with these kingdoms, the British and Italian empires gained control of parts of the coast and established the colonies of British Somaliland and Italian Somaliland. In the interior, Mohammed Abdullah Hassan's Dervish State repelled the British Empire four times and forced it to retreat to the coastal region, before succumbing to defeat in 1920 by British airpower. The toponym Somalia was coined by the Italian explorer Luigi Robecchi Bricchetti (18551926). Italy acquired full control of the northeastern, central and southern parts of the area after successfully waging the so-called Campaign of the Sultanates against the ruling Majeerteen Sultanate and Sultanate of Hobyo. Italian occupation lasted until 1941, yielding to British military administration. British Somaliland would remain a protectorate, while Italian Somaliland in 1949 became a United Nations Trusteeship under Italian administration, the Trust Territory of Somaliland. In 1960, the two regions united to form the independent Somali Republic under a civilian government. The Supreme Revolutionary Council seized power in 1969 and established the Somali Democratic Republic. Led by Mohamed Siad Barre, this government later collapsed in 1991 as the Somali Civil War broke out. Various armed factions began competing for influence in the power vacuum, particularly in the south. During this period, due to the absence of a central government, Somalia was a "failed state", and residents returned to customary and religious law in most regions. A few autonomous regions, including the Somaliland, Puntland, and Galmudug administrations, emerged in the north. The early 2000s saw the creation of fledgling interim federal administrations. The Transitional National Government (TNG) was established in 2000, followed by the formation of the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) in 2004, which reestablished national institutions such as the military. In 2006, the TFG, assisted by Ethiopian troops, assumed control of most of the nation's southern conflict zones from the newly formed Islamic Courts Union (ICU). The ICU subsequently splintered into more radical groups such as Al-Shabaab, which battled the TFG and its AMISOM allies for control of the region. By mid-2012, the insurgents had lost most of the territory that they had seized. In 20112012, a political process providing benchmarks for the establishment of permanent democratic institutions was launched. Within this administrative framework a new provisional constitution was passed in August 2012, which reformed Somalia as a federation. Following the end of the TFG's interim mandate the same month, the Federal Government of Somalia, the first permanent central government in the country since the start of the civil war, was formed and a period of reconstruction began in Mogadishu. Somalia has maintained an informal economy, mainly based on livestock, remittances from Somalis working abroad, and telecommunications." </ skos:note >
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< dcterms:isPartOf lang =" es " > En: Cuadernos de pensamiento naval. - [Madrid] : Ministerio de Defensa, Secretaría General Técnica, 2001 = ISSN 1697-2333. - 01/07/2009 Número 10 - Semestre 01/07/2009 Año 2009 , N. 10 (nov. 2009), p. 5-14 </ dcterms:isPartOf >
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